Pursued by all the king's guard;
Not one of them lived.
We then soon became
The new infamy.

Our reign came to be,
Spreading the truth.
As soon as we did,
We left for the core.
We labored further along,
Questing the source
That binded our souls,
As infamy grows.

We sought out the gods,
To strike them all down,
Their eternal rule.
This journey tabooed.
Climbing up to the peak,
It unsettled them
So much that they tried
To burn us alive.

But out of the blaze
Our team rose again
To conquer the fiends,
Controlling our dreams.
Racing out from the top,
They'd seen us come up.
No, these puppeteers
Weren't gods after all.

The crux of their lies
Was this grand disguise.
And now with them gone,
We owned our own lives.